Inshu Minocha presents at the Confederation of Indian Industry conference on sustainability

Inshu Minocha, Principal Consultant, joined the ‘Low Carbon Mobility for Future Cities’ panel at the Confederation of Indian Industry conference on sustainability on 28 June in Delhi, India. He was joined by fellow panellists from Statcon Energiaa, Energy Efficiency Services and Semco Group.

Inshu presented our global experience in the low carbon mobility/electric vehicles space, highlighting our work with World Bank to undertake a study of low emission buses in Latin America. He also focused on the future of electric vehicles in India and challenges the industry is facing presently and what we should expect as the penetration of EVs increases in the coming years.

The conference saw attendance from Indian industry leaders (both government and private) representing government agencies, EV and battery car manufacturers, and universities that are involved in ongoing EV research.


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