Fabrizio Carippo


Fabrizio is an engineer with over ten years' experience providing strategic advice to governments and companies on transactions across different modes of transport.

At Steer, Fabrizio leads the aviation and financial advisory area in our Italian offices and is predominantly involved in the evaluation and analysis of both private and public finance initiatives in the transport sector. He has managed all our major airport transaction advisory projects in Italy with a focus on commercial and technical advisory support. He has also been involved in international aviation transactions in Montenegro, Greece, France and Bulgaria. 

Fabrizio also has a wide understanding of the urban transit sector and has played a key role in Italian bus, rail and maritime franchise-related projects for private and public clients. In addition, he provides strategic advice to public transport operators by reviewing alternative bus technologies, including e-bus and H2-bus options, to analyse their whole life costs, barriers to take up, optimum procurement models and any impact on public service contracts.

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