Liza Rios Berrios

Principal Consultant
Liza Rios Berrios

Liza has eight years' experience as a transportation consultant, developing her skills in several disciplines of transportation. Her main area of expertise is modelling, both micro and macro-simulation.

Liza’s experience includes the public and private sectors, dealing with projects in Puerto Rico, Mexico, Abu Dhabi, Brazil, Panama and Colombia. Early in her career, Liza’s work focused on road impact studies using micro-simulation. She has worked on projects focusing on transportation plans, such as mobility master plans, non-motorized modes and strategic plans. She has also collaborated on infrastructure projects, elaborating demand and revenue forecast studies, and revenue forecast with non-conventional toll collection systems. Liza has also led modelling projects, design analysis and traffic impact studies, traffic congestion management and transit-related projects.

At Steer, Liza supports the Puerto Rico team in the execution and administration of projects and the operational organization at the local and regional level.

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