Culver City's Transit Oriented District (TOD) Vision Plan

Craig Nelson, our Head of Technology, talks with The Planning Report regarding Culver City’s Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Visioning Plan. In the interview, Craig joins Councilmember Thomas Small to discuss how the City is working to create a transit-oriented vision for the next 10 years around the new Metro Expo line station in Culver City.

Steer Davies Gleave is part of the consulting team developing the TOD Vision Plan for the district, expanding the model to encompass the whole city as a unified Transit Oriented Community – looking at ways to promote walking, cycling and other sustainable modes to access transit.

Steer Davies Gleave has also developed an easy-to-use web platform to capture qualitative and anecdotal information from people who use the transportation network – be they residents of Culver City, people who work there, or people passing through – to determine what improvements need to be made.

The website contains an interactive map that allows people to leave comments about issues. It could be transit users who feel their bus stop isn’t in quite the right place, cyclists who feel that part of the network is dangerous, or pedestrians who feel their walk to work could be more pleasant. The tool allows the city to engage with the public from the beginning – putting the user at the center of the plan.

To date, 300 people have left comments on the platform.

Read the full article on The Planning Report website.


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