DfT Monitoring & Evaluation Masterclass

In September Steer Davies GLeave was pleased to co-sponsor the DfT Monitoring & Evaluation masterclass, an event focused on the learning the lessons from the monitoring of LSTF funded projects. The format was a morning of presentations, including one on “Monitoring of Behaviour Change” by Tony Duckenfield, Head of Behavioural Insight at Steer Davies Gleave, and an afternoon of roundtable discussions, including one on travel information led by Rob Murray, Senior Consultant at Steer Davies Gleave. 

A positive overall message from the day was that it is possible to undertake ‘light touch’ monitoring which is relatively low cost, but still provides valuable information. The importance of the evidence collected was highlighted very effectively by David Ralph of the D2N2 LEP. He made it abundantly clear that for a project to be funded by a LEP it needed both to fit in with the ambitions of the LEP and have a positive business case.


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