Steer Davies Gleave begins work on goDCgo

Steer Davies Gleave has started work on behalf of the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) to implement the goDCgo Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program in Washington DC. In conjunction with partnering firms, Foursquare ITP and Clark Concepts, Steer Davies Gleave is supporting and evaluating the current outreach, strategy, and monitoring practices.

Steer Davies Gleave is delivering all employer outreach and marketing through various channels, and developing partnerships across the region as goDCgo works closely with other TDM programs throughout Maryland and Virginia. Results reporting will be a key focus of the Steer Davies Gleave team to capture behavior change and inform marketing outreach in the future.

We will take forward engagement with employers, residential developments, travel and tourism sites, and general commuters to promote the wide range of transportation benefits available in the District. We will also share lessons learned from similar outreach programs in the US and UK to support the TDM Program and travel behavior change throughout the Washington DC area.

Stay tuned for more information as the project moves forward!


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