Steer Davies Gleave takes over management of Burbank TMO

In November 2017, Steer Davies Gleave took over the management of the Burbank Transportation Management Organization (Burbank TMO), a non-profit organization, with the goal of easing congestion and reducing drive-alone trips in the City of Burbank by connecting employees and residents with their alternative transportation options. The TMO was created in the early 1990s as a result of a City ordinance, and today it has over 50 members within the Burbank Center and Media Districts. All members are required to report peak hour trip counts to the TMO and City annually to help inform programming.

The Burbank TMO Board of Directors brought the Steer Davies Gleave team on to provide the organization with a fresh approach to programming, outreach and advocacy. In just three months since the start of the Steer Davies Gleave partnership, the Burbank TMO has re-vamped its social media and email communication presence, hosted events at multiple member company locations, and begun work with the City to restructure its annual reporting framework. The Burbank TMO has also partnered with Waze Carpool to present a pilot project offering $2 carpool rides to and from Burbank, and has run a campaign in conjunction with the Go Verdugo program, which provides free passes to new transit riders in Burbank, Glendale and Pasadena.

In 2018, Steer Davies Gleave hopes to continue to improve upon the work we’ve done with the Burbank TMO by reimagining the organization’s brand, utilizing targeted marketing campaigns to increase membership and participation in TMO operated programs, and continuing to be an advocate for increased transportation options in the Burbank area.


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