Steer to undertake a review of the functionality & performance of Aldgate stations in London

The Aldgate Partnership (TAP) commissioned Steer to undertake a review of the functionality and performance of both Aldgate and Aldgate East stations. The core objective of this brief was to understand and provide recommendations to improve under-performance and accessibility in order to enable growth within the Aldgate area.

In addition to this core objective the outcomes of this work need to:

  1. Develop an action plan building on the previous work; and
  2. Develop a tool enabling TAP to secure funding for the improvements for the area over the coming year.

Importantly, this work must support the vision of the Partnership – that by 2020 Aldgate is one of London’s most attractive locations in which to live, work, study and visit. We recognise that this philosophy underpins all of the Partnership’s activity, guiding the creation, investment and management of the place such that they are much more than just the sum of their parts and that they contribute to the enduring success of the area.

In so doing, this work will help secure improvements that reduce barriers to movement, improve the relationship between the stations, enable further growth, address issues of legibility, improve the public realm and ultimately provide a more unified and better experience of Aldgate as a place.

Read the full report (PDF)

Steer is continuing to support the Partnership with some of the projects identified in the study to see what quick wins we can establish as well as some longer terms priorities for TAP to work with partners over the coming years.


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