Steer Davies Gleave delivers a Personal Travel Planning for Hackney Council

There is a renewed interest in Personal Travel Planning (PTP) as an approach to influencing behaviour as some London Boroughs develop programmes to implement Low and Zero Emission Neighbourhoods. Steer Davies Gleave has been commissioned by Hackney Council to deliver a PTP programme which will support four key projects underway in the borough including the City Fringe Zero Emission Network.  

A team of travel advisors has been recruited and trained from the local area and will deliver PTP in the four targeted locations to encourage local residents to switch local trips to modes that are both healthier and less polluting.

Clean Air Day

In total 5,000 households will be targeted over the summer. The programme also builds on earlier work conducted by SDG to identify areas of the borough where initiatives aimed at increasing levels of walking and cycling have the greatest potential.  Project outcomes will include an analysis of the emissions impacts resulting from the PTP project.


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