Steer Davies Gleave produce a stakeholder engagement report to inform the ORR's 2018 periodic review

As part of its 2018 periodic review (PR18), the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) is conducting a review of Network Rail’s strategic business plan (SBP) submissions for control period 6 (CP6), which will run from April 2019 to March 2024. The review includes an assessment of the quality of the stakeholder engagement carried out by each of Network Rail’s routes and the System Operator (SO) in developing their strategic plans. 

To support ORR’s review and to ensure it is informed by the views and experiences of the stakeholders themselves, ORR commissioned Steer Davies Gleave to conduct an independent, targeted survey of the routes’/the SO’s stakeholders to gather their views on the effectiveness of each of the routes’/the SO’s engagement during the preparation of their strategic plans. The survey included interviews with and questionnaires to a wide range of stakeholders.

Alongside ORR’s draft determination which is published today, our stakeholder engagement report sets out our conclusions of these interviews and surveys with stakeholders, which will inform ORR’s review of the effectiveness of Network Rail’s strategic plan stakeholder engagement.

Visit the ORR's website to read the draft determination.


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