Steer Davies Gleave supports the development of a guidance document for intercity passenger rail ridership forecasting

Steer Davies Gleave is supporting the Federal Railroad Administration in partnership with the U.S. Department of Transportation Volpe National Transportation Systems Center in the development of a guidance document for intercity passenger rail ridership forecasting services to help facilitate the preparation of service development plans for passenger rail services spanning multiple states.

The goal is to develop a stand-alone guidance on the process of performing market analysis and travel demand forecasting for intercity passenger rail service in support of service development planning.

Drawing upon our experience in intercity passenger rail travel demand forecasting in a variety of contexts in the United States and experience writing federal guidance documents for rail services, Steer Davies Gleave is ideally placed to provide practical and strategic advice to the federal government.

The development of this Intercity Passenger Rail Travel Demand Forecasting Guidance document will provide transportation professionals – including practitioners and FRA project managers – practical guidance to evaluate rail projects and educate themselves on the best practices related to rail demand forecasting.


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